Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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1.27 million mobile phone users in Montenegro at the end of December

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At the end of December, there were 1.27 million mobile phone users in Montenegro, which is slightly less than in November. The number of users in December corresponds to a penetration of 205.48 percent, it was stated in the report of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Activities (EKIP), that is, every citizen has at least two accounts.

Compared to the same period in 2021, the number of users in December is 13.75 percent higher.

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The share of postpaid users was 56.01 percent, and prepaid 43.99 percent. Of the total number of users, M:tel had the most – 454.07 thousand or 35.64 percent, followed by Crnogorski Telekom 448.85 thousand or 35.23 percent and One 371.11 thousand or 29.13 percent.

M:tel had 38.04 percent of the total number of prepaid users, One 32.82 percent, and Crnogorski Telekom 29.15 percent. In December, Crnogorski Telekom had 40.01 percent of postpaid users, M:tel 33.76 percent, and One 26.23 percent.

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