Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Monte Business, doing business in Montenegro investment promotion project offers a range of services for companies looking to grow their business and attract more customers from Montenegro, Europe and South East Europe markets, specially focusing on all entering Montenegro highly perspective markets.

Monte  Business is the leading Montenegro focused online magazine with dedicated information hub & relay covering current affairs, business and other related news from Montenegro in the English, which is currently read in over 70 countries.

Top 10 visits by country, daily average 1300 unique visitors, searching terms like investment/luxury/hotels/corporate environment tax/imports/trade etc:

1. United States/Canada
2. Germany, Austria, Swiss
3. Japan
4. Netherland
5. Australia/New Zeland
6. Skandinavian countries, Norway/Sweden/Finland/Denmark
7. China/HongKong/Makao/Singapur
8. Ireland and UK
9. UAE and Arab gulf countries Qatar/KSA/
10. France/Belgium


1. SPONSORED ARTICLES: A feature story promoting your business.
2. BANNER: Your company logo/image a with link to your website/social media (various sizes available).
3. SPONSORED ARTICLE AND BANNER COMBO: Sponsored article, banner with logo and link, newsletter, Business Focused groups LinkedIn & Xing, Facebook and Twitter advertising blasts included.

Monte Business is a prime news and market insights resource for a number of domestic Montenegrin and Foreign Business Community in Montenegro.
With high visibility and visits daily our marketing services could provide your message will reach targeted clients and partners. Beside Visual positions that allow your message communicates directly with target groups we provide tailored made marketing services.

Contact us for more information: hello at

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