Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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The draft spatial plan of Montenegro was presented

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The presentation of the Draft Spatial Plan of Montenegro was held in the building of the President of Montenegro, and on that occasion the importance of that planning document as a strategic platform for the use, organization, arrangement and protection of space was pointed out.

The information service of the President of Montenegro announced that the key strategic goals related to the economic and social development of Montenegro, urban and rural development, infrastructure development and space protection were presented.

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– The key sectoral planning goals proposed in the Draft Spatial Plan of Montenegro were presented. Emphasis is placed on the following sectors: transport, energy, tourism and overall economic development. Also, there was talk about the key problems that have been recorded in all sectors, the goals of future development and development priorities in certain areas – the announcement states.

The greatest difficulty in the preparation of the Draft Plan, as stated, was in the area of ​​traffic.

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The existing and planned transport infrastructure – road, rail, air and water transport – was presented. Most of the words were about energy, the need for secure energy supply, energy independence in the future, energy efficiency in all sectors, network infrastructure and renewable energy sources.

The need to follow the implementation of the plan at the level of the state and all its institutions was particularly emphasized after the public discussion, the preparation of the draft plan and its adoption by the Parliament of Montenegro.

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