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By the end of 2024. the 5G network will be available in every municipality in Montenegro

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At the radio-frequency spectrum auction, conducted by the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP), Crnogorski Telekom, M:tel and One Crna Gora won frequency resources in the 700 MHz and 3.6 GHz bands.

As announced by EKIP, Crnogorski Telekom won 2×10 MHz in the 700 MHz band and 140 MHz in the 3.6 GHz band at the auction, while M:tel won 2×10 MHz in the 700 MHz band and 120 MHz in the 3.6 GHz band. GHz. Company One won 2×10 MHz in the 700 MHz band and 120 MHz in the 3.6 GHz band.

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– In the spectrum auction procedure, revenue in the amount of EUR 8.83 million was generated, which is paid into the budget of Montenegro. Compared to the initial prices, during the spectrum auction, an increase in the one-time fee was achieved in the amount of EUR 1.08 million or 14% – the Agency’s announcement states.

They add that the final decision on the selection of bidders in the public bidding process will be made in mid-January 2023, and the operators will be obliged to pay the total amount of EUR 8.83 million to the budget of Montenegro within 15 days from the date of the decision.

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– Crnogorski Telekom should pay the amount of 3.1 million EUR, the company One Montenegro the amount of 2.97 million and M:tel the amount of 2.75 million EUR – the announcement states.

EKIP reminds that based on the results of the spectrum auction, which was conducted at the end of 2021, the operators paid a one-time fee in the amount of EUR 7.08 million to the budget of Montenegro, of which M:tel EUR 5.9 million, One Crna Gora EUR 825,011 and Crnogorski Telekom EUR 350,000.

As it was announced, preparations for the implementation of the public bidding procedure for the allocation of radio frequencies from the 700 MHz, 3.6 GHz and 26 GHz bands, which are recognized by the mobile industry as “pioneer 5G bands” were started at the beginning of 2022, after the end of the procedure for assigning available radio frequencies from the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands.

– After the preparations were completed, the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, on the basis of the Law on Electronic Communications, at the Council meeting on October 26, made a decision to launch a public bidding procedure for granting approval for the use of radio frequencies in the 700 MHz range, 3.6 GHz, 26 GHz for the implementation of public mobile electronic communication networks. The decision prescribed that the public tender be conducted using the spectrum auction method – it was clarified.
The subject of the public tender for granting approval for the use of radio frequencies for the implementation of public mobile electronic communication networks was 2×30 MHz of spectrum from the paired part of the 700 MHz band, 10 MHz from the unpaired part of the 700 MHz band, 380 MHz from the 3.6 GHz and 1000 MHz bands from the 26 GHz range.

– All allocations are valid for 15 years, and the radio frequencies are available for use from the day the approval was issued – they add.

After the end of the spectrum auction, the final results were determined in terms of the width and limits of frequency blocks allocated to mobile operators and the realized amounts of one-time fees for granting approval, which after the end of the auction each winner of the auction should pay into the budget of Montenegro.

– All resources from the paired part of the 700 MHz band and from the 3.6 GHz band were allocated, while the offered blocks from the unpaired part of the 700 MHz band and from the 26 GHz band remained unallocated, due to the lack of interest of the operator in their allocation and use – the Agency stated .

The agency shaped the spectrum allocation process in accordance with the goals to be achieved and with full respect for the state of our market, in a transparent procedure based on the best comparative practice. The radio-frequency resources that were the subject of the allocation are available for the implementation of the MFCN system with full application of the principle of technological neutrality, which we believe will lead to their maximum valorization.

As they state, in the relevant procedure for the allocation of radio frequencies, the Agency tried to meet the needs of mobile operators in the direction of the further development of mobile electronic communication networks and services in Montenegro by carefully creating the conditions to the greatest extent possible.

– Mobile operators are obliged to meet high requirements regarding the scope and dynamics of network signal coverage and regarding the development of the 5G network. Each holder of the approval is obliged to provide coverage of at least 98% of the population of Montenegro with a network signal that enables functional data transmission to the user at a speed of 10 Mb/s or more and at least 75% of the population of Montenegro with a network signal that enables functional data transmission by the end of 2026 to the user at a speed of 30 Mb/s or more, with the fact that by the end of 2030, a speed to the user of 100 Mb/s or more must be enabled, and to cover at least five uncovered rural areas and provide uninterrupted signal coverage of the network of all highways and all main roads in Montenegro – it was clarified.

By the end of 2024, EKIP points out, the 5G network will be available in every municipality in Montenegro, by the end of 2026, at least 50% of the total population of Montenegro will be covered by the 5G network signal, and by the end of 2030, all populated areas, highways and main roads.

– In order to achieve the stated requirements, mobile operators will need to build electronic communication infrastructure and install equipment in a large number of locations, a significant number of which will be completely new locations – they add.

The results of the spectrum auction confirm the stability, predictability and potential for further development of the electronic communications market.

– High expertise and competence of the Agency in the field of radio-frequency spectrum management, as well as other tasks related to market regulation, which the Agency as an independent regulatory body has been carrying out since its foundation – conclude from EKIP for local media.

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