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Construction of ski resort near the end, road, electricity, water…

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In the report of the ski resort, it is also written that in the previous summer season they visited these construction sites and that the general observation was that, apart from the work on the construction of the cable car and ski slopes, the other works were carried out not quickly enough or were not carried out at all.

Capital projects for the construction of three ski resorts in the north of Montenegro are being realized at a slow pace, the Directorate for Capital Projects told “News”, from which they could not specify when the ski centers will be fully opened: Žarski in Mojkovac, Cmiljača in Bijelo Polje and Hajla. in Rozaje.

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According to the information provided by the Administration, the construction of cable cars in the mentioned localities is nearing completion, but there are certain problems in providing road and electric power infrastructure to the ski resort and water supply.

In the report of the Ski Resorts of Montenegro for 2022, it was stated that they plan to open these ski centers this year or at the beginning of next year, which would then be managed by this state enterprise. From that company, they assessed that it is necessary to complete the construction of the road to the ski resort, parking lots, electricity and water infrastructure,…

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The report of the ski resort also states that they visited these construction sites in the previous summer season and that the general observation was that, apart from the work on the construction of the cable car and ski slopes, the other works are not being carried out quickly enough or are not being carried out at all. They believe that it is necessary, in agreement with the Administration for Capital Projects and the Ministry of Economic Development (MER), to put pressure on the contractors to submit new dynamic plans for each individual project in order to be able to determine new deadlines for project completion and commissioning.

“Vijesti” asked the Directorate for Capital Projects and MER if there is a delay in the completion of the works, if so why, and if the procedure for punishing the contractor for unjustified delays has been initiated.

“Due to the onset of the pandemic caused by COVID, there was a global disruption in the functioning of the labor market and construction materials, which slowed down the dynamics of project implementation. Also at the end of 2021, there was a significant increase in prices in the construction sector, due to which most of the contractors turned to requests for an increase in the contracted prices of the works. As a result of all of the above, capital projects are implemented at a slower pace. At the state level, activities are being carried out to overcome this problem, which will enable the continuation and completion of all started projects”, said the Administration for Capital Projects.

MER replied that the above-mentioned Administration is responsible for the above-mentioned issues.

When asked when these ski areas will tentatively be opened, the Capital Projects Administration said that the completion of construction is conditioned by the complexity of the projects, the resolution of the problems mentioned in the previous answer, as well as the coordination of the institutions (line ministries, municipalities, CEDIS…) that are involved in realization.

Since July 2020, you have not been able to ride the cable car on Cmiljača.

At the ski center in Cmiljača in Bijelo Polje, the construction of one cable car and three kilometers of ski tracks is planned. This project was started during the government of Duško Marković.

At the end of October 2019, the Government announced that the project is progressing and that the cable car is being built according to the highest standards.

“You will be driving over these areas as early as July 2020”, it was announced by the then Government. Marković said that this future ski resort and complex of tourist centers on Bjelasica as a whole will be from the 2020/2021 season, that it will be a “new flywheel for the economy” and that it will bring new jobs.

The Administration for Capital Projects said that in May 2018, a contract was concluded with the processor of technical documentation and the contractor “Novi Volvox” for the amount of almost eight million.

“About 95 percent of the value of the contract has been realized within the contracted activities to date. The construction site is conserved. The problem with the implementation of the project is related to the provision of electric power infrastructure”, said the management and added that the capacity of the cable car is 2,600 skiers per hour.

When it comes to road infrastructure, they said that in the previous period, work was carried out on the breakthrough of the road Ravna Rijeka – Jasikovac – Cmiljača. They explain that during the execution of the works there was a need for changes and additions to the project documentation due to the occurrence of landslides and unstable slopes, for the rehabilitation of which it was necessary to prepare additional documentation and provide additional money.

“Works on the construction of the road have been suspended until all the necessary technical documentation is provided.”

The construction of the Cmiljača 35/10KV substation has been completed on the site as part of the power infrastructure for powering the Cmiljača and Žarski ski centers, and the Administration states that for the functioning of the substation and the built cable car, it is necessary to build a 35 kV transmission line Ribarevina-Cmiljača, and that activities are underway on the continuation of project implementation.

Regarding the water supply, they said that a contract was concluded with the contractor “Indel inženjering” from Podgorica, but that he has not yet been put into work due to unresolved property-legal relations that are under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bijelo Polje.

Problems with expropriation are holding up the project in Žarsko

The Administration for Capital Projects says that so far about 80 percent of the value of the contract has been realized when it comes to the construction of a six-seater cable car at the Žarski ski center in Mojkovac. The contractor is also “Novi Volvox”, with which a contract worth 8.99 million was concluded in March 2019.

“The problem with the implementation of the project is related to the delay in the expropriation procedure, which is the responsibility of the relevant ministries that carry out activities to solve this problem, as well as the provision of electric power infrastructure”.

The Administration also said that about 80 percent of the value of the contract has been realized when it comes to the construction of about 9.5 kilometers of ski slopes next to the cable car. A contract worth 1.89 million was concluded with the company “Gradnja inženjering” in June 2019, and the problems also relate to the delay in the expropriation procedure.

Due to problems with expropriation and technical documentation, the construction of the road to this ski resort has been suspended, and the Capital Projects Administration says that it is the responsibility of the Municipality of Mojkovac.

They add that the power supply of this ski center will be provided through the power supply of the neighboring ski center Cmiljač, while the hydrotechnical study for water supply is in progress.

5.7 million euros from the budget for this year

The Administration for Capital Projects announced that a total of 5.7 million euros was allocated for the construction of the ski resort in this year’s rebalancing.

Of that, 1.98 million for Žarski in Mojkovac, 1.32 million for Cmiljača in Bijelo Polja, and 2.41 million for Hajla in Rožaje.

Asphalt laid until Hajla

In July 2019, a contract for the construction of a cable car was concluded for the location of Hajla in Rožaj for 8.99 million with the Sarajevo company “Strucon”. The Administration says that until today, about 85 percent of the value of that contract has been realized, while the problems with the implementation of the project relate to the provision of electric power infrastructure.

They announced that in the previous period, most of the work on the road Rožaje – Štedim was completed, and that the first layer of asphalt was laid.

“The Directorate for Capital Projects, in cooperation with CEDIS and the Ministry of Capital Investments, has initiated activities on the preparation of tender documentation for the construction of the electric power infrastructure for the power supply of the ski center ‘Hajla'”, said the Directorate and added that the preparation of a hydrotechnical study is also underway.

The capacity of the lift is 2,600 skiers per hour, and the ski area is expected to have about nine kilometers of slopes, local media writes.

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