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Crnogorski Telekom is dominating when it comes to telecommunications

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Crnogorski Telekom, in addition to finishing last year as the largest mobile network in Montenegro, also officially had the fastest mobile network in the country, according to the official report of the Agency for Electronic Communications (EKIP).

“Last year, the mobile network of Crnogorski Telekom provided users with the highest average internet speeds in the entire territory of Montenegro, both in cities and in suburban areas and on roads, according to the results of the official measurement of the quality of mobile network services,” the company announced.

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The average data download speed in Telekom’s mobile network in cities is 57.3 megabits per second (Mbps), which is almost ten percent faster than the second-ranked operator, while the average speed for sending data in urban areas is 35.1 Mbps, i.e. a third faster. From the runner-up.

“The average speed of the Telekom network at the level of Montenegro is 51.2 Mbps when it comes to downloading data and 31.9 Mbps for sending it,” the announcement states.

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In addition, as they stated, Crnogorski Telekom had the largest 5G and 4G network in Montenegro at the end of last year, according to EKIP’s official measurements.

Crnogorski Telekom’s 5G network is available to about 76 percent of the population in Montenegro, while Telekom’s 4G network covered almost the entire population in the country, so that network is available to 97 percent of citizens,” the statement added.

Crnogorski Telekom is at the EKIP auction for the allocation of radio frequencies from the 700 megahertz (MHz), 3.6 gigahertz (GHz) and 26 GHz bands, which are important for the spread of 5G and the improvement of the 4G network, in which all three mobile operators participated. Leased the most 5G spectrum, which created the conditions for the introduction of gigabit speeds in the mobile network.
The company said that these results are the result of a series of good strategic decisions and investments in the development of the mobile network, which aim to provide users with the highest quality services in the country.

Director of the Technical Department at Crnogorski Telekom, Jovan Ćetković, said that the fact that in the previous year Telekom once again recorded the most internet traffic, i.e. the largest flow of gigabytes through the mobile network in Montenegro, tells them that users recognize the quality of Telekom’s mobile network.

“At the same time, Telekom has the largest number of postpaid users and mobile internet users in the country, so these data, when combined, speak volumes about the reliability and quality of Telekom’s mobile network,” Ćetković concluded.

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