Monday, September 16, 2024
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During the summer, final offers from concessionaires for the airports are expected

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Montenegro needs a more modern and efficient airport system, and concessions are one option, according to Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs Filip Radulović.

“It is irresponsible that this project has been open for five full years and that no one has moved to the next phase,” Radulović said, emphasizing that this government will protect state interests.

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According to him, an analysis of the concession agreement has been conducted, revealing numerous shortcomings. Final offers from concessionaires are expected during the summer.

“When we receive the final offers, we will have three options: the first is to accept one of these offers, the second is to cancel the tender and issue a new public call, and the third is to cancel the tender and allow the state to continue managing the airports,” Radulović stated..

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