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Excellent results of the Montenegrin economy this year

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In the year that is coming to an end, according to numerous indicators, the Montenegrin economy recorded excellent results, said the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Goran Đurović.

He said that the total export of goods in the period from January to October amounted to EUR 576.6 million, which is almost 70% more than last year’s export for the same period.
– For the sake of comparison, exports for the entire year 2019 amounted to EUR 415.5 million. When it comes to the coverage of imports by exports in 2022, it amounts to 19.6%, which is the highest value in the last nine years. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the coverage of imports by exports increased by three percentage points – the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism announced.

Takođe, prema preliminarnim podacima Uprave za statistiku – Monstat bruto domaći proizvod (BDP) Crne Gore porastao je u trećem kvartalu 3,2%. On je iznosio 1,82 mlrd EUR dok je u istom periodu prošle godine bio 1,59 mlrd EUR. Realna stopa rasta u Evropskoj Uniji je 2,4%.

– When it comes to tourism, according to the latest Monstat data, 1.08 million tourists were registered in collective accommodation during the first ten months, which is 59.2% more compared to the same period in 2021 and 4.1 million overnight stays, i.e. 46% more compared to the same period in 2021. Comparing with the same period of the record year 2019, a 90% increase in tourist arrivals is recorded, as well as a 91.2% increase in overnight stays.
According to data from the Central Bank of Montenegro, as of the third quarter of 2022, revenues generated from foreign tourists reached EUR 916 million, which is at a level of 90% fulfillment compared to the same period in 2019.

– Considering that this data does not include the consumption of domestic tourists, and that there is still one whole quarter left until the end of the year, we are sure that tourism, when it comes to official data, will reach one billion euros in revenue, and it is very likely that we already exceeded this number, keeping in mind the date – Đurović concluded, local media reports.

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