Thursday, January 9, 2025
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Kazakh company Araltuz is interested in starting production in Solana Ulcinj

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Araltuz, the leading salt production company from Kazakhstan, is interested in the Bajo Sekulić Saltworks from Ulcinj, the Ministry of Finance announced.

As they stated, Minister Aleksandar Damjanović met with the management of this company, headed by Board of Directors member Jim Cochrane, to discuss the possibilities of investing the mentioned company in starting the production of salt in Solana in Ulcinj.

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Presenting the business of Araltuz, Kochrein pointed out that it is a company with a hundred-year tradition of salt production, the quality of which is recognized by its leading position on the territory of Kazakhstan, but also by exports to the countries of the region there and the Baltic countries.

– The business vision of the company is to expand to prospective markets while maintaining the highest environmental standards, which is why Ulcinj’s Solana, as he pointed out, is a significant business opportunity for investment – it is stated in the announcement.

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Damjanović said that Solana in Ulcinj has been a Montenegrin brand for decades, and that all efforts and attempts to restart salt production and adequate valorization of that area deserve the attention of the Government and the partnership of all involved entities in finding the best solution for this company.

– Bearing in mind that today’s coordination is only an initial conversation about a potential investment, it was agreed at the meeting that through future communication and exchange of data, the potential offer of the Kazakh investor will be specified – they said from this department.

The meeting at the Ministry of Finance in front of the Araltuz company was attended by the vice president of the development sector Sanzhar Ospankulov and the head of the modernization department Oleksii Zherebnykh, as well as representatives of the partner companies Araltuz – Salt Partners Ltd, namely the president Vladimir M. Sedivy and the director Isabella Sedivy Petro, as well as the director of Rimon Capital Ltd, Marek Lorinc.

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