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Montenegro, 2.18 billion tourist arrivals were realized in 2022

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In 2022, 2.18 billion tourist arrivals and 12.43 billion overnight stays were realized in Montenegro, according to Monstat’s preliminary data. Out of the total number of overnight stays, 95.5% were made by foreigners, and 4.5% were made by domestic tourists.

In the structure of overnight stays by foreign tourists, in 2022, the most overnight stays were achieved by tourists from Serbia – 25.5%. They are followed by tourists from Russia with 16.45%, and then from Bosnia and Herzegovina with 16.4%. Tourists from Germany accounted for 5.9% of the total number of tourists, Ukraine 4.9%, Kosovo 4%, and the United Kingdom 3.3%. Tourists from other countries accounted for 30.1% of overnight stays.

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In the structure of overnight stays by type of touristic places in 2022, the most overnight stays were realized in coastal places, 93.8%, followed by mountain places with two percent, the capital with 2.9 and other places with 1.3%. If we talk about individual accommodation, during the last year in Montenegro, there were a little over a million tourist arrivals and about 8.1 million overnight stays. Out of the total number of overnight stays, 99.6% were made by foreigners, and 0.4% were made by domestic tourists.

The most overnight stays were made by tourists from Serbia 26.8%, Russian Federation 22.8%, Bosnia and Herzegovina 11.2%, Ukraine 6.2%, Germany 4.4%, Kosovo 4.2%, Poland 2.4% , and the United Kingdom 1.9%. Tourists from other countries accounted for 20.1% of overnight stays. In the structure of overnight stays by type of tourist places in individual accommodation, the most overnight stays were realized in coastal places 97.3%, mountain places 1.5%, other tourist places 1% and the capital 0.3%.

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