Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Montenegro, The Prime Minister: Montenegro is on the right path

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The inflow of foreign direct investments in Montenegro achieved by the end of November last year exceeded one billion euros, and the fact that this was achieved without the sale of state companies is of particular importance, Prime Minister Dritan Abazović said.

As he wrote on his Twitter account, for the first 11 months of 2022, gross foreign direct investments amounted to EUR 1.044 billion. The net amount of foreign direct investments is EUR 734 million and is 60% higher than in 2021.

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– It is especially important to point out that this year’s FDI was realized in this amount without the sale of state-owned companies, which was the case in 2009, when Elektroprivreda was sold – Abazović wrote.

As he added, last year they increased state capital, and they will continue to do so this year.

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– The fact that we have about 10% of FDI from Germany, the locomotive of the EU, is also pleasing. This is a clear indication that investments are diversifying into EU countries, which is an important positive signal for our EU integration. Montenegro is on the right path – concluded Abazović.

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