Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Nearly 60 million euros for agriculture

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The budget for the agriculture, forestry, and water management sector for the next year amounts to 59,539,795 euros, representing an increase of over seven million compared to this year when 52,393,562 euros were allocated for this sector.

Out of this amount, 14,637,050 euros will be allocated for subsidies, precisely two million more than this year, according to the budget proposal.

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Regarding specific support for agriculture sectors, 302,302 euros are earmarked for administrative support for rural development, an increase of about 90,000 compared to this year. Subsidies to enhance the competitiveness of food producers for the next year are planned at three million euros, which is about 950,000 euros less than this year. For improving the quality of life and expanding economic activities next year, less money is allocated, around 110,000 euros, compared to this year’s funds for that purpose, which amount to 3.35 million euros.

Support for fisheries is set at 1.4 million euros, an increase of about 145,000 euros. However, only 807 euros are earmarked for capital expenditures. Subsidies for marine fisheries are around 761,000 euros, which is 50,000 more than this year. Subsidies for freshwater fisheries will amount to 439,000 euros, an increase of about 100,000 compared to this year’s budget. The forestry, hunting, and wood industry sectors will have 421,082 euros at their disposal, an increase of about 46,000 euros. The water management sector will receive 1,784,037 euros, about 271,000 more, and around 1.4 million euros will be allocated for investments in this sector.

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Regarding other investments, the agriculture sector can also count on support through the IPARD II and III programs, with around nine million available, as well as through the MIDAS and IACS programs, through which farmers can receive almost seven million euros.

Additionally, at the beginning of next year, the agriculture sector can rely on the agricultural budget, which is expected to be adopted and presented to the public.

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