Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Since February, Pegasus connects Podgorica with Ankara and Izmir

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The Turkish low-cost airline Pegasus Airlines has been connecting two destinations with Podgorica since February.

The flight route Podgorica-Izmir will be operational from February 1st, while the planes of this company will fly on the Podgorica-Ankara route from February 5th, as reported by the Zamaaero portal.

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In addition to these two cities, Pegasus also connects Montenegro with Istanbul.

This route was recently announced by the President of the Board of Directors of Airports of Montenegro (ACG), Eldin Dobardžić.

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The logical consequence of strengthening economic ties between Montenegro and Turkey is the opening of new air routes between the two countries. According to preliminary announcements, Pegasus Airlines is expected to connect Podgorica with Ankara and Izmir through direct flights starting from February – stated Dobardžić to Mina-business agency.

As a reminder, besides Pegasus, Montenegro is also connected to Istanbul by Air Montenegro, Turkish Airlines, and Tailwind Airlines.

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