Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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The government has established amendments to the Law on Public Procurement

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As pointed out, the goal of strengthening the electronic public procurement system is to simplify the public procurement procedure and increase the transparency of the entire system.

The government has established amendments to the Law on Public Procurement which, as announced, enable the implementation of European Union (EU) directive standards in that area and eliminate limitations and ambiguities in the application of regulations.

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“Amendments to the Law ensure full harmony of the implementation of regulations and the manner of functioning of the electronic public procurement system and contribute to the sustainability of the public procurement system”, it was stated in the press release after the Government session.

As pointed out, the goal of strengthening the electronic public procurement system is to simplify the public procurement procedure and increase the transparency of the entire system.

“Simplified procedures in public procurement procedures and the reduction of participation costs will contribute to a higher level of market competition, i.e. an increase in the average number of bids submitted”, the Government said.

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The government passed the Decree on Amendments to the Decree on the Implementation and Procedure of Using Funds from the European Union’s Pre-Accession Assistance Instrument (IPARD II Program).

The reasons for the amendment of the Regulation, as announced, refer to the criterion for the level of support for young farmers, where it is specified at which point the beneficiary of the support must be less than 40 years old in order to receive an additional incentive.

It is stated that the amendment also set the criterion regarding the submission of advance payment, where a longer deadline was left for those users who are able to submit valid bank guarantees from 60 days to 100.

“There are certain situations in which the request for payment will be rejected, as well as the criteria by which the return of the paid funds is defined”, the statement added.

The Government explained that with the entry into force of that regulation, a legal possibility is created for the publication of public calls, on the basis of which in 2022 it will be possible for agricultural producers and processors to exercise their right to support funds from EU pre-accession funds, the amount of which is EUR 10.46 million, of which the EU share is 7.84 million, and the national co-financing is 2.61 million.

The government adopted the Information on key activities related to the IPA III financial perspective and the first programs through the indirect management model, for the period 2021-2027.

The Government said that the management structure and the Office of the National IPA Coordinator continuously carried out activities to ensure preconditions and establish the legislative and institutional framework, required by the European Commission, in order to start the implementation of the first IPA III programs in Montenegro.

As they stated, in addition to annual national programs, bilateral cross-border cooperation programs and agricultural development programs, programming of two multi-year operational programs for the environment and education is planned through the IPA III financial perspective.

The Government explained that the financial values ​​of the program, which will be realized through the IPA III financial perspective, are not defined in advance, as was the case with the IPA II perspective, but are determined during the programming phase and the adoption of the relevant programs, depending on a number of factors.

“So far, 19.2 million EUR have been allocated to Montenegro for the Annual Action Program for 2021 for indirect management, 8.4 million for the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Montenegro-Kosovo 2021-2027; as well as EUR 63 million for the Agricultural Development Program”, the announcement specifies.

For the needs of the independent implementation of the financial support of the EU to Montenegro from the IPA III program, as it is pointed out, it is necessary to establish a legislative and institutional framework, which will be evaluated by the European Commission.

“After receiving a positive opinion, the formal preconditions for the start of using the funds will be met, which will be realized through the signing of financial agreements for the relevant IPA III programs”, the announcement states, local media reports.

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