Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Žabljak’s tourist season outperforms last year, promising future events

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The tourist season in Žabljak has shown significant improvement over last year, with May and June experiencing a 15% increase in visitors compared to 2023. July and August also saw about a 10% rise, according to Stojan Abazović, director of the Žabljak Tourist Organization.

“September began strongly, but unfavorable weather led to several cancellations. However, if the weather turns favorable, we anticipate a successful autumn season,” Abazović noted.

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A highlight of the season was a concert by Alen Islamović, celebrating the municipality’s Day. The local tourist organization is planning smaller events for the upcoming months.

“This has undoubtedly been the most successful season for organizing cultural, sports and entertainment events. Now is the time to enhance our promotional efforts for next year, including participating in fairs and launching online campaigns,” Abazović added.

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For the winter season, Žabljak aims to provide additional attractions, such as an ice skating rink. Abazović emphasized the importance of implementing an artificial snowmaking project to ensure the season isn’t solely reliant on natural snowfall.

Mayor Radoš Žugić agreed that the tourist season met expectations, citing data from the local Tourist Organization and accommodation providers, which indicate a substantial number of overnight stays in Žabljak.

“The celebration of Žabljak’s Day gives us a chance to reflect on our accomplishments over the past year. We’ve made significant investments—€3 million from the capital budget and €5 million from the state—which justifies our satisfaction,” Žugić stated.

He highlighted the local government’s commitment to establishing Žabljak as a cultural and tourist center in northern Montenegro, supporting all events organized by the Tourist Organization and the Center for Culture.

The rise in visitors has been accompanied by investments in infrastructure, with the municipality having a clear investment plan for the future.

“We have prepared project documentation to carry out several important infrastructure projects next year, particularly in water supply, which has been a major challenge. Despite being one of the driest years in decades, we didn’t face any water restrictions this summer. We’ve modernized the main city road, and one of our key projects for next year will be the construction of a parking garage with 104 spaces and a new square named after the Durmitor warriors to create a gathering place similar to tourist centers in the region,” Žugić explained.

He emphasized that the local administration is well-prepared for the winter tourist season, assuring that they will not be caught off guard.

“Ongoing investments in the municipal company’s machinery and maintenance ensure we are ready for winter,” Žugić concluded.

The summer tourist season wrapped up with a concert by regional music star Alen Islamović, marking his first performance in Žabljak and his inaugural visit to the tourist center.

“I’m truly impressed by the natural beauty and what I’ve experienced here. I took a walk to Crno Jezero—beautiful mountains, fresh air, and there’s nothing more delightful than being in such an environment,” said Islamović, who entertained the audience for nearly two hours with his hits, along with songs from Divlje Jagode and Bijelo Dugme.

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